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Established in April 1987, Nanjing Security Service Co., Ltd. is a large state-owned security enterprise with a long history of security operation and rich security experience. Now it is a member of the China Security Association, vice president of both Jiangsu Security Association and Nanjing Security Association, one of the top class security service companies in Jiangsu Province.

公司现有信无双娱乐鼓楼分公司、栖霞分公司、玄武分公司、安防器材分公司  26家分公司,近2万名员工。主要经营人防、犬防、技防、随身护卫、大型活动安保、保安培训、安保器材销售、无人机飞行与反制等,业务辐射京、津、粤、江、浙、沪、疆等20多个省、自治区、直辖市,客户涉及党政军机关和粮、棉、油、水、电、气、金融、通讯、媒体、教育、医疗、公共交通、大型商场等单位1500余家。

The company has 26 branches including Gulou Branch, Qixia Branch, Xuanwu Branch and Security Equipment Branch of Nanjing Security Service Co., Ltd., with nearly 20,000 employees. We are mainly engaged in human defense, dog defense, technical defense, escort, large-scale event security, security guards training, security equipment sales, UAV flight and countermeasures, and our business covers more than 20 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, including Beijing, Tianjin, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Xinjiang. Our customers involve more than 1,500, including party, government, and military organs and companies in the field of food, cotton, oil, water, electricity, gas, finance, communications, media, education, medical care, public transportation, and large shopping malls.


We take “openness, inclusiveness, cooperation and win-win” as our business philosophy, adhere to the business principle of "making complex things simple, doing simple things repeatedly, doing repeated thing seriously, persisting for a long time, and doing things well", devote ourselves to legalization, standardization, professionalism and militarization management, and gradually forming a management system with the characteristics of modern security enterprises. The company has obtained certificates of ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001, “Five-star After-sales Service” and “Corporate Social Responsibility Management System” in an all-round way, and won the title of “the 5th National Advanced Security Service Company” and “National Excellent Security Group in Fighting Epidemic”, and has been rated as “Top Ten Security Service Companies” by Jiangsu Security Association and Nanjing Security Association for many years in a row. A number of outstanding security guards have emerged, who have shown outstanding performance and devoted themselves to their jobs. They have successively won honors such as “National Excellent Security Guards”, “Jiangsu Technical Experts”, “Jiangsu May 1st Innovation Experts”, “Nanjing Model Workers”, “Nanjing May 1st Labor Medal” and “Nanjing Youth Post Experts”.


Nanjing Security Service Co., Ltd. has gone through a difficult course of more than 30 years. Looking forward to the future, we will continue to pursue Excellence and surpass ourselves in line with the service concept of endless service and eternal safety, and strive to become a well-known security service enterprise at home and abroad that clients prefer and employees like.


